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Organic Wine vs Biodynamic Wine

In recent years, sustainable winemaking practices have gained significant traction, ushering in a wave of eco and health-conscious options for consumers. The terms “organic” and “biodynamic” are now commonplace on wine labels, but what exactly do they signify, and how do they impact wine?

Organic Wine: More Than Just Grapes

The realm of organic wines extends beyond the grape variety and vintage. It encompasses several different classifications, each with their own criteria. Wines can be “certified organic” or “made with organic grapes.” This signifies wines made from grapes grown without synthetic pesticides, GMOs, and with organic additives, such as yeast. The latter indicates that the wine is crafted entirely from certified organic grapes, though additional winemaking ingredients need not be organic.

One critical factor is sulfite levels – these naturally occurring compounds play a pivotal role in wine preservation. USDA Organic wines have no added sulfites but may contain up to 10 mg/L of naturally occurring sulfites. EU Organic wines may include added sulfites, with limits of 100 mg/L for reds and 150 mg/L for whites and rosés. “Made with organic grapes” wines can have up to 100 mg/L in added sulfites.

Biodynamic Wines: Harmony with Cosmic Rhythms

Biodynamic winemaking approaches the vineyard as a living ecosystem intertwined with the cosmic universe. This holistic and homeopathic approach brings together lunar, solar, and cosmic rhythms into viticulture practices. The vineyard’s operations align with specific lunar phases, influencing activities like harvesting, pruning, and resting periods.

Biodynamic winemaking extends beyond lunar calendars, it advocates for unique compost preparations, including cow manure-filled cow horns buried in the vineyard. This preparation is later unearthed, enriching the soil with vital nutrients for plant growth.

Demeter International, founded in 1985, serves as the leading certifying body for biodynamic products worldwide. Achieving Demeter certification involves stringent adherence to biodynamic standards, ensuring consumers of a wine’s commitment to these principles.

Is Biodynamic Wine the Same as Organic Wine?

While biodynamic wines embrace organic practices, they go a step further by incorporating holistic elements. This renders them distinct from purely organic wines, offering a more profound connection between the vineyard and the broader universe surrounding them.

Is Biodynamic Better than Organic?

Determining whether biodynamic wine is superior to organic truly depends on the wine drinker’s
personal preferences and values. Biodynamic viticulture places a strong emphasis on ecological harmony and spiritual interconnectedness. For people seeking a holistic approach to winemaking that extends beyond organic practices, biodynamic wines may resonate on a deeper level.

Both organic and biodynamic wines represent significant strides towards a sustainable and eco-conscious world for viticulture. Whether you choose organic or biodynamic wines, both options contribute to a significantly more environmentally-friendly and ethically-produced wine. For folks who appreciate the deeper connection between the natural world and winemaking, exploring both options provides a rich and rewarding experience.

United States Department of Agriculture. “Organic Wine: What is It?
Demeter International. “About Us.
Rudolf Steiner. “Agriculture: A Course of Eight Lectures.” Anthroposophic Press.

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