
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Liquillo?

Liquillo connects consumers with small-scale winemakers and brewers committed to sustainable production, making it easier for consumers to find, visit, or buy from artisans who pour their hearts into every bottle.

How are businesses selected to be on Liquillo?

We don’t have a magical sorting hat (LOL, JK), but we did dive deep into a sea of data – seriously, loads and loads of it. We were on the hunt for those special wineries, the boutique producers that bring extra meaning to the glass. Whether into biodynamic, sustainable, organic, or regenerative practices, we sought artisans who pour their hearts into every bottle, creating stories sip by sip.
Now, while we’ve given it our all in the data-diving department, we’re not claiming perfection. There are undoubtedly some hidden gems we’ve missed, and that’s where we need you! Help us uncover the treasures we might have overlooked by adding your business. Please fill out this form, and let’s ensure no exceptional beverage gets left behind!

How can I list my business on Liquillo?

Please fill out this form, we’ll review it and get back to you as soon as possible. The types of businesses that best fit with Liquillo are boutique and small production wineries and breweries producing less than 10,000 cases a year.

What regions is Liquillo currently promoting?

Liquillo is currently working with businesses in San Luis Obispo County and in Santa Barbara County. If you’re looking for the best boutique wineries or breweries in the Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, or Los Olivos areas, Liquillo has them listed and is adding more regularly.

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