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Why Natural Wines Skip The Sulfites

Nov 13, 2023 | Low Sulfite Wine

Is Low Sulfite Wine Better for You?

Low sulfite wine is often considered a better option for folks who are sensitive or allergic to sulfites. Sulfites are compounds, including sulfur dioxide, that occur naturally in small amounts during the fermentation process, but they are also added to many wines as a preservative and antioxidant.

For some people, especially those with asthma or sulfite sensitivity, higher levels of sulfites can lead to allergic reactions, such as headaches, skin rashes, difficulty breathing, or digestive issues. As expected, all of these lead to a terrible time when drinking wine should be a wonderful time.

Choosing low sulfite wines can reduce or get rid of sulfite sensitivity symptoms. However, it’s important to note a few things:

Choosing low sulfite wines can reduce or get rid of sulfite sensitivity symptoms. However, it’s important to note a few things:

Not All Wines are Equal Even among low sulfite wines, the amount of sulfites can vary. Some wines may naturally contain lower levels of sulfites due to the winemaking process, while others may have sulfites added in smaller amounts.

Natural and Biodynamic Wines Wines produced using natural or biodynamic methods often have lower sulfite levels because these approaches generally involve minimal intervention in the winemaking process.

Preservation and Shelf Life Sulfites play a crucial role in preserving the wine and preventing oxidation and spoilage. Without sulfites, a wine may have a shorter shelf life and may need to be consumed relatively quickly after opening. I see that as a feature, not a flaw.

Taste and Stability Sulfites can also affect the taste and stability of the wine. They can help maintain the wine’s color, freshness, and flavor.

If you have a known sensitivity to sulfites or want to minimize your intake, choosing low sulfite wines or those labeled as “no added sulfites” can be a good option. It’s important to keep in mind that low sulfite wines may have slightly different characteristics in terms of taste, shelf life, and stability. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific concerns about sulfite sensitivity.


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